Online Learning

Online learning facilitates the ability of the “student” to practically (and immediately) apply their learning to their lives, since most choose online learning for the convenience of being able to facilitate a part-time or full-time job with their continued education.

Christian Education

A Christian educational foundation is far reaching, since education is a part of every aspect of life and Christian ethics are the quiet influence of all beneficial humanitarian accomplishment. Furthermore, the bedrock of our Country’s greatness is due to the Christian and Theistic principles applied in our founding documents. With this in mind - how important to further “Christian based Education.”

Leadership Degree

I am currently seeking a Bachelor of Science with a major in Organizational Leadership (Focus on Leadership) and minor in Psychology, since both fields are intimately intertwined. Furthermore, this will aid me in better facilitating personal growth within myself and those whom I have the privilege to be an influence to.

Friday, December 25, 2009

My Pet: God

We as humans love pets. They bring us comfort. They make us feel good. And above all they give us that token feeling of having something solely dependent upon us. A person once said this about pet dogs, “We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.” People love coming home to something (or someone) that shows them love, comfort, and acceptance. Many people will actually find themselves confiding in their “pet(s)” their most intimate struggles and secrets. In other words: Pets (for the most part) make us feel good inside and usually give us comfort and acceptance when we cannot readily find it elsewhere.

But how many of us would take our pet dog, cat, budgie, or other animal to work in order to solicit advice from them? Or how many would ask advice from their parrot on relational difficulties? Or how about asking your horse for agriculture advice? This series of questions may bring a chuckle to us but how many times do we treat God the same way?
How often do we compartmentalize God into the areas of our lives where we think He is applicable? How many times do we treat God as the “pet?” We’ll only run to Him when we need comforting or an ego-boost. We throw Him a few treats (prayers, church attendance, etc.) and figure all is well and He’ll be there again when we need Him.
When it comes to real situations in business, relationships, politics, and health –we fail to ask for His advice or wisdom. We’ve relegated God to being our pet. That something or someone we come to for comforting – and then go back to our “real lives.”

Galations 6:7-8 says that, “God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.” Many times we isolate the spiritual from the physical instead of realizing that sowing to the spiritual (i.e. pursuing God in all areas of our life) causes the physical to benefit as well.

Let’s be careful to not compartmentalize God to an area of our life which we run to only in times of trouble –but let us seek His wisdom and grace in every aspect of our lives and consequently bring glory to Him in all of our “business.” God is not anyone’s pet – but we unfortunately have a tendency to treat Him exactly that way. It’s time for us to realize who God really is and focus our entire life around Him.

Rev. Kevin Mills – Prairie Community Church

Saturday, October 17, 2009

“Wait!” Oh, Great...

One of the dreaded words of the twenty-first century has to be “waiting.” The prevailing philosophy of North America many times dictates that if a person desires something they have to have it – now! This is one of the main reasons we got ourselves into the current recession – but I’ll leave that subject for now.

Waiting passively without any seemingly productive output is frowned upon in our society. Even the drive to and from work has become inundated with blackberry’s, PDAs, laptops, and cell phones - all in an attempt to be more “productive” and thus more meaningful. The increasing number of fast-food joints also tells us something about our developing culture. When it comes down to it, we as North Americans can’t stand the idea of passively waiting and not being able to do anything about it.

But here is where we run into problems – all things worth-while take … are you ready for this? ….Time. Well-known poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow once said, “Let us, then, be up and doing, with a heart for any fate; Still achieving, still pursuing, Learn to labor and to wait.” Here’s the balance. And even though it’s a lot easier said then done it’s what we must strive for. We must be willing to work for that which we desire but to also learn the patience of waiting for its completion and/or fruition.

This principle is extremely far-reaching and a lot of times applied to business start-ups whereas an eager owner/operator is urged to lay a solid business foundation (mission statement, customer policies, reasonable cash-flow, etc.) instead of expanding too quickly and stifling available capital.

Now let’s apply the verse that inspired this article –Ps. 27:14, “Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!” There are numerous illustrations in the bible of men and women asked to “wait on God.” Many did, many didn’t. But for those who did wait – they obtained the promise.

Is God asking us to wait and do nothing? Not at all. God may ask us to wait on Him during certain times in our lives – but while we wait we do our due diligence in being a blessing to those around us and preparing our talents, skills, and abilities for the time when God says, “stop waiting, move forward.”

Abraham is a prime example of a person who waited on God but continued to prepare for the fulfillment of God’s promise. (Gen. 17, Heb. 6) This is what God asks us. God has asked you to wait on Him – but prepare yourself for the day of fulfillment. God hasn’t forgotten about your dreams, your goals –but first you must learn to wait on Him.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

"There is Hope for your Future, Declares the Lord"

“There is hope for your future, declares the Lord…” Jeremiah 31:28. You’ve got to love the practicality and clarity of the bible. So many times the search for hope becomes a complicated formula of actions and thoughts as dictated by the motivational gurus of the day. But God makes it simple because He really wants us to get this: There is a Hope for your future!

There’s people reading this article who have succumb to believing that God has forgotten about their dreams, prayers, and visions – subsequently, your just trying to survive. But God’s desire is not for survival but for a hopeful and joyful existence. God desires us to experience the full range of emotions and feelings in life. (Ecc. 3:1-8) God really wants you to grasp that “there is hope for your future.”

A couple of chapters back in Jeremiah we read the Lord’s encouragement once again, wherein He states, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” (29:11) Friends, God’s desire is for us to have our hope set in Him. Why? Because God is unchangeable in His character towards man and all creation – He is love. (1Jn. 4:8) How many of us have experienced the wonderment and absolute thrill and hope of being in love? Why do we feel so euphoric and hopeful? Because: someone loves us! How much more to be loved by one who’s opinion of you can never change – God says He first loved you therefore nothing you can do can change His love towards you. How wonderful a security and HOPE! (1 Jn. 4:19, Rom. 8:35-38)

The first step in dwelling within this hope is to acknowledge, believe, and thrive within the unchangeable/unwavering hope of God’s love towards you. Secondly, we learn to set our hope outside of present circumstances and situations. Tom Marshall in his book “Understanding Leadership” makes a great point, “…when the going gets rough, present problems appear to [people] to be far more pressing than future possibilities.” Here we once again return to our text – “there is a hope for your future, declares the Lord.” Because the “means” (present problems) by which you may reach your future hope is many times beyond your present understanding, you must trust God that He will bring you to the expected, hopeful, and exceedingly wonderful end He has promised all of us.

My friend, please realize God’s desire for you to grasp this simple and yet far-reaching truth: There is hope for your future. God does not desire to leave anyone without a hope. God himself said that without a hope and vision people will perish. (Prov. 29:18) And didn’t God say that his desire is that none should perish (remember John 3:16?)?
This week, month, year, and life – remember: There is a hope for your future, declares the Lord.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Beware: Bovine Beatitudes

Ask the question – Who influences me? Many articles and essays have been written on the importance of influence and also the double edged sword of the same. But are we as self-aware of our influences as we need to be? When a stallion is in a field of bovines it may seem quite natural to circum to the actions and characteristics of the “bovines” and subsequently forget the ability he, the stallion, possesses.

This same risk applies to individuals: have you checked your influences lately? Have you circum to “bovine mediocracy” or do you continue to search out your God-given greatness? Have you challenged the status quo? Or have you settled your life-goals to a path of least resistance.
Talking about bovines - there was a milk campaign back awhile ago and even though I despised the corniness of the campaign I couldn’t argue with the philosophy – always grow, grow always.

Individuals who hinder your personal growth or who are intimidated by it are not friends but rather insecure relations which are trying to not loose hold of a co-dependant relationship (i.e. your dependency on them brings them a sense of significance). The friends and influencers that you need are individuals who care for you enough to never allow you to sink into mediocracy – but rather individuals who will always lovingly “provoke” you to a higher level in your life. (Hebrews 10:24)

Up to this point of the article I have been writing from a receivership position – but the question must also be asked personally: Am I a person of valuable influence to my friends, family, and relations? Have you so circum to personal insecurity that you cling on to your friends and family tightly to keep them from advancing so that you are not possibly abandoned or “left alone?” A motivational speaker once stated that in order to be successful you must help enough individuals become successful themselves. This is a universal law of reciprocity and one which God set into motion long, long ago. Love your neighbor as yourself; it is more blessed to give then to receive, etc. True significance only arrives from the giving of ourselves to a greater cause then our own contentment, happiness, or security. (Matthew 22:37-39)

But back to our original subject – The challenge still remains for you to “know yourself.” And unless we take time to analyze the “influencers” in our lives we can easily circum to “bovine mediocracy” and quickly loose sight of the inward potential God has placed within us. With this in mind, how much more important our relationship with God becomes, since we are given the incredible opportunity to be influenced by an all-knowing, all-wise, all-loving father. This week please ask yourself four simple questions:

1. Who is my influence?

2. Is this influence helping me grow beneficially?

3. Who do I influence?

4. And have I helped them grow beneficially?

P.S. I do not hold any specific grudges against bovines – actually they hold many intrinsically “tasty” characteristics – but I wouldn’t follow their lifestyles.

Rev. Kevin Mills
Kevin Mills is Executive Pastor of Prairie Community Church in Portage La Prairie

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Great Shaking - Part II

The last article (The Great Shaking – Part 1) dealt with the vicious destructiveness of allowing yourself to fall into a perpetual victimized mindset in the light of the current “worldwide unrest,” since being a perpetual “victim” when the current democracy allows for freedom of innovation, attitude, liberty, freedom, and religious practice is nothing short of willful powerlessness and victimization. Consequently, we can be encouraged that our Country has allowed us the freedom to pursue our dreams, visions, and personal goals even in the light of economically and politically volatile times. It is exactly this type of “pursuit” by private citizens that made this country great in the first place.

“Part 2” is dealing with the importance of each “citizen” being willing to give back of themselves to their neighbors, towns, cities, and countries. This is the second step in leaving behind a victimization mentality and consciously deciding to be proactive and encourage and build-up others in your community. Jesus said that the entire “law” that God requires of man can be fulfilled in simply “loving your neighbor as yourself” (Matt. 22:36-39) Why did He command it?
First-off because God is love (1Jn. 4:8) and we are to represent God’s character. Secondly, “giving” such love will take an individual out of a self-indulgent and self-centered mindset and consequently empower them, since they are no longer just receiving (passive acceptance – can lead to victimization) but they are giving (proactive giving/personal empowerment). Thirdly, our country has maintained its sovereignty and freedom due to individuals sacrificing of themselves for a greater cause (i.e. for present and future generations).

Even though many are quick to point to North America’s prosperity as being the origin of our self-centeredness and over indulgence (many point to this as the root of our current economic problems) – its not. Money and prosperity are not inherently evil – it’s the individuals who utilize them! For us to blame prosperity or “money” on our current problems allows us to “lay the blame” on something external and subsequently excuse ourselves of most personal responsibility – an action which will only repeat failure, since personal responsibility for actions must be taken before any good change will happen.

Certainly prosperity can easily lend itself to self-centered and unthinkable corruption – but these things are only perpetuated by individuals consciously deciding to utilize the resources of “prosperity” in that way. This is why we must all take quick responsibility for our own actions and realize that giving of ourselves to others is the surest road for a perpetually freedom, continuance of democracy, personal happiness, and being absolutely pleasing to God.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Great Shaking - Part 1

There has already arisen a time of people’s core beliefs and values being tested and shaken. The current “unrest” and world-wide “uneasiness” will continue to place stress on the already shattered lives of those who placed their hope and future into the hands of others. Many people continue to feel that their lives are completely out of their control and furthermore feel that their lives have become pawns in a greater game of chance. It has always been humanity’s greatest source of contention, anxiety, and stress when we feel that our life is no longer our own and that external circumstance now dictate our actions in a way contrary to our personal desires. But herein lays the importance of realizing how true “freedom” and “happiness” are perpetuated in a democratic society.

Firstly, we must fully realize that the last of the human freedoms is to choose our “attitude.” Many things can be taken from an individual but the last of the human freedoms is the choice of how you will ultimately let circumstances shape you. The worst fallacy that anyone can fall into during this these “difficult times” is a victimization mindset. There is nothing wrong with freely admitting and realizing that some things may have “beset” you that were not fair - but to continue in this “attitude” only empowers the individual or thing that firstly victimized you and this will only continue to strip you of your own dignity, freedom, and happiness. Most individuals who have been “wronged” by an individual or institution do not desire to continue to empower the very “thing” that “victimized” them – yet this is exactly what we do if we continue in a victimization mindset.

This may appear as a silly “mind-game” but our attitude directly affects our actions, which directly affect our lives, which directly affects our community, which directly affects our country. Thankfully God has given us the ability to dictate and control such an important aspect of our lives (i.e. Phil 4:8)

Victimization in the form of fear and uncertainty will come at you in many various forms during these “uncertain times.” The reason? Because it empowers the individual or institution that is perpetuating it. This is why the first step we must take in regaining a sense of hope is the realization that God has blessed us with the ability to decide our “attitude” and subsequent approach during difficult times. We have been blessed with a free democracy which allows us to “pick ourselves up by our boot straps” and be free from a perpetual victimized mindset.

The second part of this article will deal with how freedom and happiness can only be perpetuated through the sacrificial giving of oneself to their community and country.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Feelings for Emotivism?

"We as Christians have no authority or right to tell others how they ought to live or act just because we may feel uncomfortable with some of their actions or lifestyles.” This was a frustration expressed to me from the wife of a Main-line denominational minister. This is a true statement – since, for us to base our beliefs of morality (right or wrong) on strictly a “feeling” is faulty and quickly leads to the ethical philosophy of Emotivism.

What is Emotivism? Quintessentially, (my apologies to any Emotivists for not having the space to lay out their philosophy entirely) the belief that the highest good (what is right) in society can be based on “rational feelings.” Unfortunately, what constitutes a “rational feeling” can cover a wide range of possibilities- many of which have been seen as extremely un-ethical in the past. One such example is Genocide - Whereas individuals who headed these movements “felt” thoroughly, through reason, that they were accomplishing the greatest good for society. Does this then excuse their actions? I think most of us would agree not. Thus it is also fallacy for Christians to use “feelings” as the barometer of what is moral or unethical. For us to dictate a moral stance (of what is good or bad) based on feelings effectively makes the issue “about us” and our emotions rather then the best interests and greatest good for the other people involved.

Genuine “Christian” or “Godly love,” is concerned about the individual’s well-being and commands us to live in such a manner as to protect ourselves from effective self-destruction. My response to the minister’s wife was that I agreed “feelings” should not be the motivating force behind labeling something or someone moral or immoral– rather love should be. Why? True wholly (and/or Holy) love is concerned about the whole well-being of the individual and society and seeks what is best for all people involved. In other words this is not a sentimental love – but a tenacious love. This love would not hesitate to challenge or confront a person’s actions and/or behavior if it was being detrimental to themselves - even if it wasn’t popular opinion or even politically correct. The truth will set people free (John 8:32) when based in genuine, sincere, Godly love. Be it far from us to base morals and ethics on what we “feel.” Rather let us be guided by God’s love as the moral standard– a love which is concerned for the greatest good for our neighbor, fellow worker and fellow Canadian. This is much more far-reaching and important of a matter then merely one group “stone-throwing” at another, etc., etc. This is about searching God’s word and discovering the moral and ethical law that He has placed to protect ourselves from ourselves.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Wall Wisdom 101

Wall Wisdom 101

Have you ever run into a wall? Either figuratively or literally will do but I’d like to focus more on the figurative. Maybe it’s a wall in your job whereas you feel powerless to advance any further within your organization. Maybe it’s a wall in a current relationship where further intimacy or closeness seems impossible to achieve. Maybe it’s a wall financially - a wall which many are having difficulty scaling in light of the current credit and overall economic crunch. To simplify (In true Reader’s Digest form): A wall in your life represents anything that appears to be immovable and sometimes un-scalable at first appearance.

But the very fact that a “wall” exists points to a very simple and encouraging fact: Walls are only erected to protect something of value on the other side. Consequently, we realize that the very fact that a “wall” exists within our personal lives points to something of value on the other side worth having. One of the most well-known walls which comes to minds is “The Great Wall.” A wall which stretches over four-thousand miles long and was guarded by more then a million men at its peak usage. This “Great Wall” existed to protect a big country and vast dynasty.

Thus we learn another truth about walls: The “bigger the wall” the “greater the value” on the other side. Now take this principle and apply it to your personal life and “personal walls.” Suddenly we realize that even though the personal wall we may be facing is foreboding it is also promising of something of great value on the other side of it – and the more insurmountable the wall may appear the greater the victory and value on the other side.
God completely understands these principles of walls both literally and figuratively and consequently promises us that He will help us gain victory over these hindrances which many times seemingly keep us from moving forward. (Psalm. 18:29)

But that brings up a final truth about “walls:” Dealing with walls and “Scaling walls” builds endurance, strength, and experience for future “walls.” And this is preciously one reason why God allows “walls” in our lives. God says “We have need for endurance.” (Hebrews 10:36) Why? Because this endurance, “produces character, and character produces hope.” (Romans 5:4) Through facing our “personal walls” a Godly character infused with hope is created, since we realize with each subsequent wall that nothing is impossible with God. As Soren Kierkegard once said, “Hope is passion for what is possible.”

The seemingly insurmountable wall in your life right now is being used by God to build endurance, character, and hope. God’s desire is for you “conquer your wall” but only after building a necessary endurance and character that will aid in building an unshakable hope and strength for your present and future.

Rev. Kevin Mills
Prairie Community Church

Monday, March 30, 2009

The Wilderness made Habitable

The Wilderness made Habitable

“And he was in the wilderness until his public appearance…” (Luke 1:80) Talk about a scripture completely saturated with hope! Why? Let’s look at the definition of wilderness first. A “wilderness” by definition is an uncultivated and seemingly uninhabitable area – a wasteland. With this definition clear in our minds the question is posed: Have you ever felt this same way in your own life? Have you ever felt that your life (i.e. health, mind, body, soul) was situated in an uninhabitable wasteland? If you have - you’re not alone. I was sharing a few Sundays ago with our congregation about the numerous “wilderness” experiences that great men and women often went through in biblical times and the subsequent victories that can ensue. A few examples: Abraham waited twenty-five years “in the wilderness” before seeing the fulfillment of God’s promise to make of him a “great nation” (i.e. The nation of Israel). Moses wandered in the wilderness over forty-years before being called back to lead the “great exodus” of Israel. John the Baptist (New Testament – Luke 1:80) lived (and waited) in the wilderness for over twenty-five years before beginning his great ministry of “preparing the way” for Jesus.

In our “instant gratification” society we usually expect answers and results to be instantaneous – especially when pertaining to our life’s situations. But this is usually not the case. Instead we find ourselves waiting on God’s time-table all the time wondering if he has abandoned us in our “uninhabitable place” (or “wilderness”). Fortunately, as we go through history (both biblical & secular) we see that many great men and women suffered through great times of anxiousness and anxiety before seeing the fulfillment of their hearts desires and dreams. Consequently, we must press through and hold-fast to God’s unchanging character of faithfulness and fully believe that the honorable desires and dreams of our heart were placed there caringly by Him and He will help them be brought to fruition! Furthermore in the Bible God constantly reminds us of His consistent ability to “sympathize” with our weaknesses, struggles, and doubts - consequently we should except this God-given understanding while sincerely pressing forward into His promises. Jewish scholars used to state (and still do) that, “The Fatherhood of God is synonymous with His love for human family. Every creature is living proof that the Father of all is a God of love.” (Everyman’s Talmud, Abraham Cohen) God will lovingly sympathize with our weaknesses when we sincerely desire to trust Him through “wilderness” times. But we must be sincere and hold fully to His unchangeable attribute of complete and utter faithfulness towards His children. My friend, your wilderness experience and the subsequent outcome is in your hands. I have full confidence that you will continue to hold-fast to your faith in God and subsequently be delivered into your heart’s greatest desires and dreams. God truly is faithful through the “uninhabitable” places – continue to hold to Him!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Economic Encouragement

(As Published in the Herald Leader March 21st/2009)

I hesitated at first to join the throngs of people writing articles about the current “Economic Downturn,” but here I am – but from a completely different angle then most. Personally, I’m very hopeful. Is this only because I “feel” hopeful? No. History dictates this hopefulness. A quick breeze through the news archives of the 30’s and 80’s recession paint the same picture as today: Some were hopeful that we’d pull through – others were not. No matter what the overriding opinion was, one thing is clear – we survived, we grew, and we ended up bigger and better in the end.
Don’t get me wrong; I’m not trying to downplay the severity of the challenges which lay ahead for our country – to adopt the ever prevailing sentiment of Washington and Ottawa: “Things will probably get worse before they get better.” But on the other side there exists the possibility of us to become bigger, better, and all the much wiser. As the old business adage goes: We learn through our mistakes – just don’t repeat!
Multi-billionaire Warren Buffet echoed this same sentiment in the light of his investment company Berkshire Hathaway having experienced a sixty-two percent drop in profit from last year. Nonetheless, Buffet was found stating that, “Though the path has not been smooth, our economic system has worked extraordinarily well over time…It has unleashed human potential as no other system has, and it will continue to do so. [North] America’s best days lie ahead.” (Feb 28th/09 - Associated Press)
“It has unleashed human potential as no other system has…” Why? Because of our founding father’s possessed an unshakable belief in man possessing the inherent right by God to freedom of thought, belief, opinion, expression, etc. (Constitution Act 1982, Canadian Charter of Rights & Freedoms – Part I; Consitution of the United States of America) And it is through the government in times past harnessing these abilities that our Countries (Canada & the U.S.) continued to pull through “challenging times.” This utilization was purely inspired through theistic (or biblical principles) being applied to our founding documents. I know many of you have been taught the knee-jerk response that “biblical principles” are automatically synonymous with laws, rules, bondage, dos & don’ts, etc. And I wish I had the space here to quickly show you otherwise – but instead, I’ll point you to the result of “theistic principles” being applied: The two greatest and free-ist countries in the World: Canada & the United States. Time and time again both of our countries have “unleashed human potential as no other system” because the founding father’s had faith in the citizens – because they realized that God had faith in them.
Canada and the United States best days continue to lay ahead because of the wisdom, knowledge, and talent that God has endowed their citizens with. We will get through this time and we will be the better for it as long as democracy continues and both of our countries continue to trust and harness the power, talent, and wisdom of its citizens. May God continue to have dominion from sea to sea – and subsequently unleash the potential of his most prized creation – mankind.

Rev. Kevin Mills – Prairie Community Church, Portage La Prairie, MB