The Wilderness made Habitable
“And he was in the wilderness until his public appearance…” (Luke 1:80) Talk about a scripture completely saturated with hope! Why? Let’s look at the definition of wilderness first. A “wilderness” by definition is an uncultivated and seemingly uninhabitable area – a wasteland. With this definition clear in our minds the question is posed: Have you ever felt this same way in your own life? Have you ever felt that your life (i.e. health, mind, body, soul) was situated in an uninhabitable wasteland? If you have - you’re not alone. I was sharing a few Sundays ago with our congregation about the numerous “wilderness” experiences that great men and women often went through in biblical times and the subsequent victories that can ensue. A few examples: Abraham waited twenty-five years “in the wilderness” before seeing the fulfillment of God’s promise to make of him a “great nation” (i.e. The nation of Israel). Moses wandered in the wilderness over forty-years before being called back to lead the “great exodus” of Israel. John the Baptist (New Testament – Luke 1:80) lived (and waited) in the wilderness for over twenty-five years before beginning his great ministry of “preparing the way” for Jesus.
In our “instant gratification” society we usually expect answers and results to be instantaneous – especially when pertaining to our life’s situations. But this is usually not the case. Instead we find ourselves waiting on God’s time-table all the time wondering if he has abandoned us in our “uninhabitable place” (or “wilderness”). Fortunately, as we go through history (both biblical & secular) we see that many great men and women suffered through great times of anxiousness and anxiety before seeing the fulfillment of their hearts desires and dreams. Consequently, we must press through and hold-fast to God’s unchanging character of faithfulness and fully believe that the honorable desires and dreams of our heart were placed there caringly by Him and He will help them be brought to fruition! Furthermore in the Bible God constantly reminds us of His consistent ability to “sympathize” with our weaknesses, struggles, and doubts - consequently we should except this God-given understanding while sincerely pressing forward into His promises. Jewish scholars used to state (and still do) that, “The Fatherhood of God is synonymous with His love for human family. Every creature is living proof that the Father of all is a God of love.” (Everyman’s Talmud, Abraham Cohen) God will lovingly sympathize with our weaknesses when we sincerely desire to trust Him through “wilderness” times. But we must be sincere and hold fully to His unchangeable attribute of complete and utter faithfulness towards His children. My friend, your wilderness experience and the subsequent outcome is in your hands. I have full confidence that you will continue to hold-fast to your faith in God and subsequently be delivered into your heart’s greatest desires and dreams. God truly is faithful through the “uninhabitable” places – continue to hold to Him!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Economic Encouragement
(As Published in the Herald Leader March 21st/2009)
I hesitated at first to join the throngs of people writing articles about the current “Economic Downturn,” but here I am – but from a completely different angle then most. Personally, I’m very hopeful. Is this only because I “feel” hopeful? No. History dictates this hopefulness. A quick breeze through the news archives of the 30’s and 80’s recession paint the same picture as today: Some were hopeful that we’d pull through – others were not. No matter what the overriding opinion was, one thing is clear – we survived, we grew, and we ended up bigger and better in the end.
Don’t get me wrong; I’m not trying to downplay the severity of the challenges which lay ahead for our country – to adopt the ever prevailing sentiment of Washington and Ottawa: “Things will probably get worse before they get better.” But on the other side there exists the possibility of us to become bigger, better, and all the much wiser. As the old business adage goes: We learn through our mistakes – just don’t repeat!
Multi-billionaire Warren Buffet echoed this same sentiment in the light of his investment company Berkshire Hathaway having experienced a sixty-two percent drop in profit from last year. Nonetheless, Buffet was found stating that, “Though the path has not been smooth, our economic system has worked extraordinarily well over time…It has unleashed human potential as no other system has, and it will continue to do so. [North] America’s best days lie ahead.” (Feb 28th/09 - Associated Press)
“It has unleashed human potential as no other system has…” Why? Because of our founding father’s possessed an unshakable belief in man possessing the inherent right by God to freedom of thought, belief, opinion, expression, etc. (Constitution Act 1982, Canadian Charter of Rights & Freedoms – Part I; Consitution of the United States of America) And it is through the government in times past harnessing these abilities that our Countries (Canada & the U.S.) continued to pull through “challenging times.” This utilization was purely inspired through theistic (or biblical principles) being applied to our founding documents. I know many of you have been taught the knee-jerk response that “biblical principles” are automatically synonymous with laws, rules, bondage, dos & don’ts, etc. And I wish I had the space here to quickly show you otherwise – but instead, I’ll point you to the result of “theistic principles” being applied: The two greatest and free-ist countries in the World: Canada & the United States. Time and time again both of our countries have “unleashed human potential as no other system” because the founding father’s had faith in the citizens – because they realized that God had faith in them.
Canada and the United States best days continue to lay ahead because of the wisdom, knowledge, and talent that God has endowed their citizens with. We will get through this time and we will be the better for it as long as democracy continues and both of our countries continue to trust and harness the power, talent, and wisdom of its citizens. May God continue to have dominion from sea to sea – and subsequently unleash the potential of his most prized creation – mankind.
Rev. Kevin Mills – Prairie Community Church, Portage La Prairie, MB
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